Quantescence is developing an online emulator that will be a powerful modeling tool for researchers and developers looking to approximate large quantum circuits with low entanglement.  

Founded in 2019 as a software development company, French startup QuantFi specializes in applying quantum algorithms to finance. Quantescence, the new American branch of QuantFi, is repurposing the same technology to provide broader quantum computation solutions.

The expanded team is working to convert the emulator behind QuantFi’s financial services into a commercially accessible product. Founder and CEO Kevin Callaghan describes the software as “a general-purpose tool” that can be used for quantum emulation across a range of fields beyond finance.

Quantescence’s emulator can solve more than 300 qubit systems in a matter of seconds, according to Head of US Operations Alex Khan.

The team is currently exploring further use cases. “Our goal is to find those niche applications where the entanglement isn’t too high, and yet we can do better than any other simulator or any other hardware that’s available right now,” Khan explained.

Quantescence’s product targets the gap between quantum theory and hardware development. “There’s a period right now where there aren’t enough hardware qubits and they’re noisy,” Khan said. “Rather than wait for real gate quantum computers, you can run it on the simulator and get some results.” He believes Quantescence’s emulator and similar technologies will play a critical role in quantum research until the hardware gap is closed.

“For the next few years, we’re going to be struggling with not really having this high-fidelity quantum computer, so there will be all sorts of other technologies being leveraged on getting the job done,” Khan explained. “We’re getting quantum circuits to work, but through any other means.”

The company’s slogan, “For the quantum journey,” reflects this progress-oriented mindset. “We want to capture as much of the scientific capability that we can,” said Callaghan. The team believes quantum education is a key driver of this process; as a result, Quantescence offers extensive training programs and workshops for users and is expanding its learning programs in the US through its relationship with the Chicago Quantum Exchange.

“There’s a learning curve that clients and customers need to get past before they embrace quantum computing science,” Callaghan continued. “In order to support the products that we create, we need the training that goes along with it. Quantum education is not just for universities.”

Once it’s online and functional, the team hopes Quantescence’s emulator will become a space for researchers and industry workers alike to explore quantum technology. Alongside company research, Khan expects consumer usage will be critical to realizing the software’s full potential. “We will never be able to come up with all the use cases,” he explained, “so once it’s out there, we’ll let people experiment with it.” Quantescence has begun offering its emulator on platforms created by strategic partners such as blueqat in Japan. Soon, the emulator will be available on other major commercial cloud platforms.

The company hopes to improve the emulator and expand training programs by leveraging Duality’s mentorship and networking opportunities. Specifically, the team wants to partner with other Chicago innovators toward the common goal of quantum awareness.

“We are all trying to build an ecosystem where we can all speak the same language and people understand the value of quantum,” explained Khan.

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